About Us

Durham Gamelan meets on Wednesday afternoons between 2 and 5pm in the Gamelan room in the Science Education building, St Hilds Lane, Durham , DH1 1SZ – very near the main Hild Bede building. See map here: durham gamelan map

Sessions are informal and new members are welcome.


The instruments in Durham were the first set of gamelan instruments to be brought to the UK from Indonesia.

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What’s it like being in a gamelan group?

Read what some of our members have to say about playing in the ensemble.

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Angklung Group

Another Indonesian music ensemble that usually meets after the gamelan group at 5pm on Wedneday afternoons, and plays angklung (tuned bamboo rattles)

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Paintings of gamelan instruments and players

The Paintings

Durham Gamelan had an artist in residence a few years ago, and the rehearsal rooms are also home to paintings by Pamela Parrish, featuring the instruments and players.

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